"This product changed my life"

"This product changed my life"

Today's article is dedicated to my experience with a specific skincare product I started using recently. My name is Ludovica and I've been working for Moroccan Natural as a digital strategist since this February.

African Liquid Black Soap

Since I've started working for Carole Fraser, Moroccan Natural CEO and founder, she gave me different products to test once at a time. I got the Rhassoul Clay, to deeply moisturise and cleanse my face, the amazing Pure Pearl Powder and the life-changing African Liquid Black Soaptoday's article star.

Firstly let me tell you the background of my skin. I've always had atopic skin because I'm allergic to different allergens. Having dry skin is common among allergy suffers. When I was 21 I went to a dermatologist to ask for her help. She prescribed me some Avène products for my face and others from Eucerin to cure dryness. I bought the Eucerin AtoControl Bath & Shower Oil and the Eucerin AtoControl Body Care Lotion. I started using these products and I noticed that my skin was smooth and the dryness was gone.

This leads me to the topic of this article: African Liquid Black Soap. Two weeks ago Carole gave me a bottle of this lovely product for my personal use. At first I wasn't excited by the prospect of trying this new product because I thought that it would have been a normal soap and, most of all, I was happy with my Eucerin products.

The day that she gave me the soap I tried it that evening introducing it into my cleansing routine. At first, when I started to gently massage the soap into the skin, it started forming a nice and soft foam. When I rinsed the soap I immediately felt that my skin was deeply cleansed. But at this point, I observed a strange sensation. My skin wasn't so smooth to the touch. I immediately thought this soap wasn't good for me and my atopic skin. After having my shower I didn't use my Eucerin body lotion (I'm a lazy person) and I promptly jump into my pyjamas. While doing that I noticed how smooth and soft my legs and arms were. I was more than pleasantly surprised... "Gift of nature"!

African Liquid Soap

I've been using the African Liquid Black Soap from Moroccan Natural ever since then and I won't stop. My skin has changed completely and now I don't have to put cream on every day or buy expensive products from the pharmacy.

Thank you African Liquid Black Soap,
Thank you Moroccan Natural,
Thank you Carole!



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Многие из скважин со временем мероприятия восстановительного комплекса мероприятий имеют все шансы быть снова введены в текущую эксплуатацию. Тем более что стоимость объекта данных работ в 10 раз ниже суммы непосредственных сооружений.
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В 80% случаях скважины восстанавливаются до первичных данных при включении в использование скважины, это несомненно является альтернативой бурения новой скважины.

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